Works in progress

Things that are being made but never done

Posted by J. Mabon on September 04, 2023 · 2 mins read

Sometimes you make things but it is never done. Some of it goes here. These images are made on the computer with Blender.

Sometime be like driving your tracteur jaune, Sep 2021
A place, Dec 2021
Where your paperwork goes, Dec 2021
A day on the job, Jan 2022
Somedays the weather is the perfect gray and you scan your whole town, Feb 2022
Not the best place to rest, May 2022
Stuff to make more things, Jun 2022
A thing made out of stuff, Jul 2022
Going some place with the thing ? Jul 2022
Testing procedural library generation, Aug 2022
Procedural libraries are quite big, Aug 2022
Trains ! Nov 2022
Did I tell you trains are cool ? May 2023
Trains with boats on top are cooler even, Jun 2023
Ok this is weird, Jun 2023
Better now, Aug 2023
Hello there, Jul 2023