

PhD at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France

Under the direction of Josiane Zerubia, AYANA team, in partnership with Mahtias Ortner from Airbus Defense and Space: Learning Stochastic geometry models and convolutional neural networks. Application to multiple object detection in high resolution data sets.

  • Organizing member (2021-2022) and Secretary (2022-2023) of the ADSTIC (Association Doctorale du Campus STIC).
  • Update and maintenance of the team website, edition of the yearly team report.

2019 (6 months)

Research internship at EMBL-EBI in Cambridge

Final year intership in Virginie Uhlmann’s research group. Improving detection and tracking of individual Mycobacteria smegamtis in time lapse microscopy images of growing colonies, using graphical models and convolutional neural networks.


Master’s degree in Engineering at Ecole Centrale de Lille

Multidisciplinary engineering school, France

  • Common core : Aero/Hydrodynamics, Thermodynamics, Signal processing, Project management, Materials science etc…
  • Specialization : Option DAD (Decision and Data Analysis) : Probability and statistics, optimization, machine learning …


Applied Mathematics at Université de Lille

Courses on Functional analysis, Stochastic process, Itô integrals, Statistical physics

2018 (4 months)

R&D Internship at NU!, Paris

Research, development and documentation on a product recognition system for a “connected fridge” using image processing. Experimentation on several methods from simple image differences (OpenCV) to neural networks for object recognition (Tensorflow).


Research project : in computer science with CRIsTAL

Initiation at research work on the subject of matrix factorization for recommendation systems. Study of research publications and implementation of machine learning and optimization algorithms to produce such recommendation systems such as used with Netflix or Spotify.


Group project : «Hôpital sous tension»

Use of multi-agent systems to simulate and observe sources of tension in the emergency services of the Hospital Center of Lille in partnership with computer science laboratory CRIsTAL.

2017 (4 weeks)

Internship at Thales Skycenter Innovation Lab


Classes Préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles

Lycée Saint Louis,Paris


Baccalauréat Scientifique

Download a pdf of my resume here